L1-2 Introductions
Download 1: Prescription stages
L3-4 Clenching fist strongly
L5 Resisted upward wrist curls
L6 Resisted downward wrist curls
L7 Wrist rotation with a stick
L8 Downwards wrist stretch
L9 Upwards wrist stretch
L10 Upwards wrist curls palm down elastic band
L11 Downwards wrist curls palm down elastic band
L12 Upwards wrist curls elastic band thumb up
L13 Downwards wrist curls elastic band thumb up
L14 Rotary upwards wrist curls palm down elastic band
L15 Rotary downwards wrist curls palm down elastic band
L16 Press hands against the wall
L17 Soft ball squeeze
L18 Transferring beads
L19 Twisting a towel