L3: BIRD DOG Teaching points (4 mins)

Lesson instructions:

Read the exercise instructions 
Watch the video
Read key teaching phrases and contraindications

Key teaching phrases 

  • “Don’t drop your head, keep it in line with your body.” 
  • “Push the floor away with your hands so that your shoulder blades are flat on your back.” 
  • “Keep your elbows straight.” 
  • “Do not round your upper back.” 
  • “Maintain the natural curve in your lower back.” 
  • “Avoid twisting.” 
  • “Don’t lift the leg too far. This is to avoid over-arching of the lower back.” 
  • “Try to perform the exercise slowly and smoothly.” 


Patients with wrist or knee pain in this position. For wrist pain you can try placing the hands on some weights to reduce the angle of extension. You can place a pillow under the knees. 

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