L3: How to prescribe them and what the patient can expect

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How to prescribe them 

These exercises can be prescribed in a 20-minute, one-on-one consultation. Following the consultation they can be incorporated into a group session or performed as home exercises. Follow-up consultations are recommended to assess technique and outcomes. For optimal results they should be performed for a minimum of four to six weeks and ideally incorporated into a long-term daily routine. 

What the patient can expect

This series of exercises progresses from beginner exercises for the hip. Patients should continue to experience improvement in their condition be it hip, pelvic, lower back or knee pain. They should gain further confidence in their daily activities and notice increases in strength.

It should be noted that this exercise prescription draws from one study that compared multiple exercises to ascertain those that provided the most favourable activation of the gluteal muscles while minimising the activity of tensor fascia latae.87 The results indicated that clams with elastic band, single leg supine bridge, donkey kick (bent leg), donkey kick (straight leg) and monster walk produce greater than 50% higher normalised electromyographic amplitudes for gluteus medius and maximus compared to tensor fascia latae, whereas outer thigh exercise, supine bridge exercise, hip hike, lunge, squat and step-up step-down did not.

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