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Learning aims
At the completion of this course the participants will be able to:
Recall the correct technique and teaching cues for quadriceps exercises for patellofemoral pain
Recall which conditions can respond favourably to exercises for patellofemoral pain
Have the knowledge to prescribe the appropriate number of repetitions of exercises for optimal results
Acknowledge that exercises other than quadriceps strengthening can be prescribed for patellofemoral pain
Recall the reasons behind reducing effusion and pain as soon as possible
Recognise the potential causes of patellofemoral pain
Recognise the varying causes of muscular fatigue
Recall two screening tests that can be performed before prescribing quadriceps exercises
Recall the rationale behind excluding adductor exercises in the exercise prescription for patellofemoral pain
Recognise the factors associated with quadriceps dominance
Recall the conflicting research related to the structure, function and role of vastus medialis