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Our name is changing to ‘Evidence for Exercise’

By October 4, 2016January 10th, 2023No Comments


Over time, we began to realise the name ‘Neurogym’ doesn’t adequately reflect our strong evidence-based approach to exercise prescription or the collaborative nature of our organisation.

To illustrate this, here are some examples of comments and questions we’ve received about the name ‘Neurogym’ over the last 12 months;

‘will this make my brain grow bigger?’

‘that evidence-based exercise program’

‘will you teach me how to conquer my inner fears?’  (nope, wrong Neurogym)

‘is that like sudoku?’

and our favourite…
‘neuro thingy’  (what the??)

There are also a number of other companies now trading as ‘Neurogym’ in various countries, which leads to confusion such as people not registered with us trying to login to our website by mistake.

And so, we welcome you to…

Evidence for Exercise!

Over coming weeks, you’ll notice the name and logo changing throughout our website and programs. It’s kind of like changing your address in a thousand different places, so it will take a bit of time.

To our clients, there is no action required – your access, benefits and CE modules are unchanged.

Another change to note is that Members will now be known as Registered Providers.

Please continue to access, and in coming weeks we’ll let you know when we’ll be moving to the new website.

Importantly, we’re still the same organisation committed to providing quality evidence-based exercise prescriptions and continuing education to health and fitness professionals.

With kindest regards,

The team at Evidence for Exercise!


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