PDP’s MA Exercises for the Hip and Lower Limb 12hrs


Expertly and easily prescribe exercise in the clinic for common lower limb injuries and improve the physical capacity of your patients. Our online evidence-based CPD courses are designed to serve as a handbook for your day-to-day practice, covering all areas from assessment and prescription to execution. This course has been given approval by the Myotherapy Association Australia (MA) Professional Development Committee and is recognised for 12 Professional Development Points (PDP’s)

  • Self-paced study using provided exercise prescriptions and practitioner notes
  • Three questionnaires to obtain PDP’s
  • Receive immediate confirmation of completion

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This course has been given approval by the Myotherapy Association Australia (MA) Professional Development Committee and is recognised for 12 Professional Development Points (PDP’s)

Included exercise prescriptions and practitioner notes:

  • Beginner exercises for the hip
  • Intermediate exercises for the gluteals (low tensor fascia latae)
  • Intermediate exercises for the gluteals (step-up box)
  • Intermediate high activation exercises for the gluteals (non-weight-bearing)
  • Intermediate high activation exercises for the gluteals (weight-bearing)
  • Advanced exercises for the gluteals
  • Beginner closed chain quadriceps exercises for patellofemoral pain
  • Beginner open chain quadriceps exercises for patellofemoral pain
  • Exercises for Achilles tendinopathy
  • Exercises for plantar fasciitis

Exercise prescriptions and Practitioner notes are provided for CPD use only. For a licence to distribute, please become a member here


Once you have downloaded and studied your exercise prescriptions and practitioner notes please ensure you are logged in before accessing your questionnaires.

You must complete the questionnaires in the following order to obtain your 12 PDPs:

  • Beginner and intermediate exercises for the hip and gluteals
  • Beginner quadriceps exercises for patellofemoral pain
  • Exercises for plantar fasciitis
  • Exercises for Achilles tendinopathy

When you have completed the first questionnaire you will receive immediate confirmation. You can then move to the next questionnaire. When you have completed them all you will receive a certificate of completion.


“Sign me up for more, great! Where was this when I was at uni?”

“The demonstration of the exercise first then followed by the practitioner notes was fantastic, it allowed you to think about the exercise first, then read up on the finer sections. Great progression of exercises for every scenario. Great package, I’ll definitely be using it for my work as a reference going forward.”

Additional information

PDP requirements

All MA members are required to accrue a total of 20 PDP's per year (July 1- June 30)

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