To access this content, you must purchase 10 hours bundle 1 - Jaw and spine, 3 CEC's APMA Exercises for the spine & abdominals 6 hours, Chiropractors Exercises for the lower back and abdominals 5hrs, CPD ESSA Evidence-based exercise prescriptions 12.5 hours, CECs AusActive Evidence-based exercises 7 CECs, NASM 1.0 CEUs, AFAA 10.0 CEUs Exercises for the spine, hip and knee, PDP's MA Exercises for the Lower Back & Abdominals 5hrs, Australian physiotherapists Exercises for the Jaw and spine 10 hrs, CPD AACMA Exercises for the lower back and abdominals 5hrs or CPD General Practitioners Exercises for the lower back and abdominals 5hrs.