PDPs Pilates Instructors Exercises for the shoulder 5hrs


Delve into the latest scientific evidence recommending proven exercises that will help you better focus on the essential needs of clients and patients.

  • Learn at your own pace while gaining important expertise
  • Study with provided exercise prescriptions, practitioner notes and videos
  • Take 3 multiple-choice exams
  • Get immediate confirmation of your CPD hours
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Pilates Instructors:

This course is designed to meet the requirements for Pilates Alliance Australasia professional development and has been allocated 5 Professional Development Points. 

Be proactive with your most challenging clients and patients.

  • Help athletic clients and patients heal from shoulder injuries while building up the dexterity to better avoid them.
  • Understand the difference between weights and theraband exercise.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of exactly why and how these essential exercises produce benefits when prescribed properly.

Progress exercise programs to prevent flare ups

  • Beginner exercises for the scapula
  • Beginner  exercises for the shoulder (elastic band)
  • Beginner exercises for the shoulder (weights)
  • Intermediate exercises for the scapula
  • Intermediate exercises for the shoulder (prone weights)
  • Intermediate exercises for the shoulder (standing weights)
  • Intermediate exercises for the shoulder (overhead activities)


Simply download and study your exercise prescriptions, practitioner notes and videos, login and answer the questionnaires, download your certificate.

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