Chiropractors Exercises for the jaw, neck and upper back 5hrs



This course is designed to meet the the requirements of the Chiropractic Board of Australia and AHPRA and has been allocated 5 Continuing Professional Development Hours.

  • Easily complete and record your continuing professional development
  • Self-paced study using provided exercise prescriptions and practitioner notes
  • Three multiple choice questionnaires and opportunities for interactive learning to complete your CPD 
  • Receive immediate confirmation of completion and support to record your CPD activity appropriately
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This course is designed to meet the the requirements of the Chiropractic Board of Australia and AHPRA and has been allocated 5 Continuing Professional Development Hours.

It includes all notes and questionnaires plus all the tools you require to record your CPD learning goals, activities and reflections, to meet the revised CPD registration standard which came into effect on 1 December 2019 for Australian chiropractors.

Included exercise prescriptions and practitioner notes:

  • Beginner exercises for the jaw
  • Intermediate exercises for the jaw
  • Beginner exercises for the neck
  • Intermediate exercises for the neck
  • Beginner Pilates for the upper back
  • Intermediate Pilates for upper back extension

Exercise prescriptions and Practitioner notes are provided for CPD use only. For a licence to distribute, please register to become an Evidence for Exercise® Registered Provider.

Feedback for our courses for chiropractors

“All your resources are excellent and all the evidence based research is so valuable.”

“As always the information is well researched and set out easily to understand.”

“Love the detail in the neurological implication of the exercise.”

“Concise and informative.”


Once you have downloaded and studied your exercise prescriptions and practitioner notes please ensure you are logged in before accessing your questionnaires.

You must complete the questionnaires in the following order to obtain your CPD certificate:

  • Beginner and intermediate exercises for the jaw
  • Beginner and intermediate exercises for the neck
  • Beginner and intermediate Pilates for the upper back

When you have completed the first questionnaire you will receive immediate confirmation. You can then move to the next questionnaire. When you have completed them all you will receive a certificate of completion.

Additional information

Chiropractors CPD Requirements

20 hours over the 12-month registration period. To meet the requirements the activity must:
• Involve genuine learning
• Facilitate more effective clinical care
• Lead to safer outcomes for patients
• Draw on the best available evidence, including well-established and accepted knowledge that is supported by research where possible, to inform good practice and decision-making.
• Reflect the competencies that chiropractors need to maintain and develop: See Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia (CCEA) competency standards found at:
• Be readily implementable in day-to-day practise of the profession
• Be interprofessional where possible
• Include engagement with peers and patients / health care consumers where relevant

You can record your planning and reflection in the template provided by AHPRA

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